Nestled in rich history, Klein de Koning boasts a unique and curated collection of distinctively designed modern simplex studios, and large two-bedroom duplex homes, set within a secure and sophisticated gated enclave. Each residence exudes...
Nestled in rich history, Klein de Koning boasts a unique and curated collection of distinctively designed modern simplex studios, and large two-bedroom duplex homes, set within a secure and sophisticated ...Situated in Neethlingshof's Street, this is where community still matters, where neighbours become friends and children can ride their bikes, explore and be active. Feel safe in an estate that is as much a haven for investors as it is a homecoming...
Situated in Neethlingshof's Street, this is where community still matters, where neighbours become friends and children can ride their bikes, explore and be active. Feel safe in an estate that ...Space to live. Space to relax. Space to entertain. Space to breathe. Space to be.
Space is the ultimate modern luxury and now yours for the taking. Vredenheim Close Haasendal brings you exactly that - space.
With plots starting at 814m2 -...
Space to live. Space to relax. Space to entertain. Space to breathe. Space to be. Space is the ultimate modern luxury and now yours for the taking. Vredenheim Close Haasendal ...