Profile: Jason Blight

An Alexander Swart Property estate agent, Jason Blight, was at the end of last year awarded the company's Brand Ambassador prize, thought by many to be the most prestigious award any agent in Alexander Swart can aspire to.

'It is already apparent that Jason takes this recognition very seriously and is ensuring that all his actions and contacts with the public reflect the values for which the Ambassador title is known," says Rowan Alexander, Director of Alexander Swart. "He is also working hard on various branding and promotional efforts which keep us in the public's eye and enhance our reputation for being socially responsible."

Alexander said that the Brand Ambassador award is made to the agent who most thoroughly epitomises what Alexander Swart believe they stand for: dedication to the client's interests, service mindedness, attention to detail and complete integrity and transparency in all dealings, whether internal or with the public.

"The Award," says Alexander, "is made to those who come closest to being the quintessential estate agent."

Jason, now 29 years old, has 11 years' experience in property - and it is interesting to note, says Alexander, that after five years as a sales agent, he spent another five years acting only as a listing agent, i.e. focusing entirely on getting stock in for others to sell.

"Jason," says Alexander, "was one of our top performers in the listing field. Concentrating on one block of 20 to 40 homes at a time, he was usually able to persuade close on 10% of home owners whom he contacted to allow him to value the property - and these valuations often led to a sale."

Jason himself says that thus far his branding and telephonic skills have probably been his chief contribution to Alexander Swart Property's ongoing success.

So why now take on sales as well?

"The reason," says Jason, "is that I found I had a strong wish to round off the deals I had initiated, to handle all the details myself, not to hand the selling over to someone else, no matter how good or competent they might be. Now that I am involved in the sales aspect of our work once again, I am finding it intensely satisfying and I am very glad that I made this move."

Not only is it satisfying, it also very rewarding: Jason is, says Alexander, already every month selling two or three homes (mostly in the R1,2 million to R2,5 million bracket) and it looks as if he could raise this figure in 2019.

"What our clients like about Jason," says Alexander, "is his innate courtesy, his knowledge of the property industry and his calm, professional approach. He sees himself as a consultant rather than as a salesman. Our clients report that, unlike so many estate agents, he always keeps them informed, whether the news is good or bad and whether or not there has been further progress."

Jason himself adds that in the last year he can think of only one client who expressed any sort of dissatisfaction with him.

Can this sort of success be maintained in the year ahead?

"Last year we heard a great deal about the slowdown in Cape Town property prices," comments Jason, "but Brackenfell houses priced below R2 million are now as much in demand as ever and many of us are experiencing an upturn in interest and new confidence. I and others are confident that we can continue to perform at the current levels. In my case, with the help of an assistant, who will set up appointments for me and whom I appointed in the New Year, I believe I can go on to do better still, give great service and win new friends for Alexander Swart."

For further information contact Rowan Alexander on cell phone number 082 581 3116 or by email rowan@asproperty.co.za.

22 Jan 2019
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