Improved political outlook benefiting the property sector

The property sector responds quickly and generally wisely to the political shifts that take place in South Africa, says Rowan Alexander, Director of Alexander Swart Property -- and right now, he believes, an undercurrent of optimism is becoming apparent again.  This, he says, is similar to the 'Ramaphoria' which pervaded the country powerfully when Cyril Ramaphosa was elected president of the ANC, a development which created a real buzz of positive anticipation.

"This optimism began to wane towards the middle of 2018, but  recently we have seen it coming back. There is now a belief that, with the changes made at Eskom, SAA, SARS and elsewhere, Ramaphosa behind the scenes has been working on his plan and acting decisively and wisely - and this has led to an expectation not only that he will win the next election comfortably but also that when securely in power he will be able to continue to work for the improvement of the economy and the essential creation of more jobs."

In 2018, says Alexander, the public could not foresee the future - there were too many uncertainties and unknown factors.  Now, he says, the public believe that they can see the road ahead, have factored into their thinking the probable changes and have accepted them.  Two recent petrol prices drops and the decision by the Monetary Policy Committee to hold interest rates at their current levels have also helped.

"The growing optimism has already stabilized the property market, with the result that many of our agents have reported that they are now witnessing a renewed interest in property, especially among first time home buyers - and, as it is still a buyers' market, this is a good time to be involved in this way. In the first month of 2019 we sold 39 properties."

For further information contact Rowan Alexander on cell phone number 082 581 3116 or by email rowan@asproperty.co.za.

06 Feb 2019
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